Our vaser liposuction price in Istanbul is one of the best one you will find internationally. Vaser Lipo in Turkey is an advanced method, utilising ultrasound waves at high frequencies in order to initiate the emulsion of stubborn, fatty cells in “problem areas” of the body, with the use of vaser ultrasonic probes.

Vaser Lipo is the best for the person who desires a fit, toned body, while gaining from the vaser liposuction cost in Turkey.

This new leading form of liposuction is one of the most chosen of ways to sculpt your body.

As Esth&More we use hi def technologhy for vaser lipo , a highly specialised fat removal and body sculpting vaser liposuction procedure that can be used on many parts of the body.

How Is Vaser Liposuction in Turkey Performed?

The vaser ultrasonic probes used for this treatment and they are are inserted into the fatty tissue, gently breaking down the fat cells.

The vibration of the probes gently divides and releases the fat cells, emulsifying the swelling fluid that has been infused into area.

The method in which vaser lipo hi def  works is through the removal of both surface and deep fat tissue that surrounds muscle groups, emphasising the visibility of underlying muscular structure.

Vaser Lipo Advantages

The body shaping surgery involved in vaser lipo hi def , is extremely variable in terms of technique, and can be precisely applied nearly anywhere on the body that requires the removal of fat cells.

This appearance of versatility involved in vaser lipo hi def  provides our doctors the skill to be precise in targeting and removing stubborn fats and loose skin in various parts around the body, and toning it.

Why Choose Esth&More for Vaser Lipo in Turkey?

Reasonable costs

High quality in patient care and service

World-class surgeons performing the best liposuction

Aftercare included

Vaser Liposuction Details

Procedure Time – 2-6 hours, depending on number of areas

Anaesthetic – general

Recovery Time – 6 months

Accommodation & Transfer – 7 days

Vaser Lipo: The Procedure

The procedure starts with the injection of a saline liquid into the area being treated. This is usual for a vaser lipo process

This is done to numb the sensation of the procedure, as well as assisting with the breakdown of fat cells and the reduction of bleeding.

Following this, a small probe is inserted through an incision, emitting ultrasound impact regarding to start breaking down and liquifying fat call within your body.

Once liquified,  will be well underway, and we can start taking the fat out, very kindly through a small needle.

The duration of your vaser lipo can change depending on the area being targeted. Generally, this can take between one and several hours, entirely dependent on the extent of your treatment.

Recovery and Results

You will be taken to a recovery area in the hospital, allowing time for the impacts of the anaesthesia to wear off.

Your vaser liposuction will not cost you much time here in Turkey and as a minimally invasive process, recovery can be as little as 2 – 3 days before you begin to feel completely normal once again.

Everyone is different on an individually and please know that this length of time may change, depending on the area treated and quantity of fat is removed from your body during your vaser lipo

This won’t come as any surprise, and your surgeon here at Esth&More will advise you of how long recovery may take prior to your surgery.

Vaser Lipo In Turkey: Aftercare

In the first 2 – 3 weeks after your vaser lipo , it is best to avoid any major, highly stressful physical activity in order to allow for sufficient healing of your body.

For roughly 6 – 8 weeks following , it is essential that you wear a special compression corset, allowing your body to reshape appropriately.

Depending on your individual conditions, you may be able to realize an immediate physical change following your vaser lipo, although it may well be concealed by swelling.

We approximate that fully noticeable results are evident 2 – 3 months , once the swelling and inflammation has fully gone.

Within 6 months, your skin will have had the chance to fully tighten over the affected area, meaning your healing process is completely finalised.

Following a healthy lifestyle and avoiding physical contact within this area will heighten the chances of healing much faster. The doctors at Esth&More will prescribe all medications and provide you with all the information required to ensure a comfortable recovery.


Enjoy a free hair analysis to ensure you opt for the right treatment for your needs.

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